Hooey the Empath …

Tough day yesterday, for a number of reasons, not the least of which was news that Zoe (Hunter’s GSD ‘sister’) had to be rushed to the emergency vet. Given Zoe’s advanced DM disease, I feared the worse.

Decided the best thing to do was lay down and take a nap.

Hooey isn’t a big fan of jumping up in bed with me, preferring instead to lay on the floor somewhere … where she can keep an eye on the outside world.

However, if she knows I’m upset (and she does, because she’s a empath and acutely attuned to everything I do and feel) she’ll jump up with me and do her empath thing.

Everybody should have a “best friend” like this. 😉

P.S.  Zoe seems to be okay.  Not great, but not … terminal.  Looks to have a nasty UTI that Ann is treating with heavy duty antibiotics.  Could have been a LOT worse.


Riffy (our TLB GSD) Playing in the Rain

Zōe (aka Riff) came to visit yesterday, and spent most of the day playing on the property in the rain.

Notwithstanding her lack of usable back legs (Degenerative Myelopathy), she still motors around in her cart like she has no limitations whatsoever.

About 6 to 9 months ago, I worked with her one weekend to teach her to wait patiently — and not freak out — when she tips over in her cart. As you can see, she maintains that ‘skill’ today.

Always warms my heart to see Riff enjoying her time on the ‘farm.’