Shout Out! Solitary Sentinels (USAF SP, FEW AFB)

Just ran across this video on YouTube this evening, which caught my eye because of the ‘Guarding America’s ICBMs’ blurb in the title.

Interestingly enough, the USAF Security Police unit depicted in the video is the ‘sister squadron’ that I supported when I was there in ’83-’84. They (3-man team) are responsible for guarding a 10-missile squadron. My squadron (88th MSS) provided five 4-man fireteams responsible for ‘covering’ the entire 100-missile wing.

Basically, the folks depicted in this video live in, and work out of, a Launch Control Facility (LCF). They respond to alarms on the 10 Launch Facilities (LF) within their missile squadron. If they verify an actual hostile threat, they call for backup, and the nearest two RF fireteams respond. In the evenings, after roaming the missile wing all day, we (fireteams) would be dispatched to an LCF to eat and bunk down for the night.

Politics being what they were, we (RF) didn’t usually hang out with the alert teams assigned to the LCF, even though we were both USAF Security Police teams. There was always an acrimonious relationship between us. It was like their house, and we were just passing through, flirting with their on-site cook (usually a female), and basically trashing the place (in their opinion). When the sun came up the next morning, we got to leave … they had to stay.

At 7:41 in the video, they respond to what is (or was, in the 80’s) called an Outer Zone (OZ) alarm at the Juliet-9 LF. While I don’t recall that LF in particular, I’m sure I visited that site at least once, probably a few times, in the two years I was at F.E. Warren.

I snickered, too, when they showed the inside of the LCF. I swear the doors, furniture and equipment is the SAME as it was 25 years ago!

The SPs are wearing different uniforms, carrying different gear, and slightly updated versions of the same firearms ‘we’ carried way back when … but the mission is EXACTLY the same.

Hats off to the Solitary Sentinels at FEW AFB and the 90th SPG!

Shout Out! Lucky Clays Fresh

I mentioned in a recent video that one of my next large-scale projects will be standing up a moderately sized aquaponic gardening system.

Last year, I got licensed in the State of North Carolina as a Tilapia fish farm. I just haven’t “pulled the trigger” yet, as I’ve been busy with other systems.

Soon, like next month, I plan to erect the first of a few 100′ x 14′ caterpillar tunnels to serve as the greenhouse for my initial venture into aquaponics.

Today, I started researching local (NC) aquaponics resources, and stumbled upon the Lucky Clays Fresh (LCF) farm here in the Piedmont area. If you are unfamiliar with, but maybe a little interested in, what aquaponics is all about, this video (above) provides a great introduction. My aquaponics system may approach 25% of their size (scale), but you’ll get the gist.

I plan on raising Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus), augmented by largemouth bass, catfish and perhaps freshwater shrimp. Red worms are a given.

Anyway, I thought I would give a quick shout out to LCF as a seemingly premier aquaponic gardening resource here in the Piedmont area of NC.

Shout Out! The Holler Homestead

First, a little backstory. For about a year, maybe year and a half, I’ve been learning things about farming and permaculture from a guy named Justin Rhodes on his YouTube channel. He has recently launch a much larger website called Abundant Permaculture (.com).

I recently purchased a Premium Membership to that site, which includes a large library of videos on all sorts of homesteading and permaculture topics. He also includes a lot of videos from others in the local (North Carolina, Mid-Atlantic region) area, including videos from a relative newcomer to the NC area, The Holler Homestead.

This evening I watched the Holler Homestead video above, and REALLY enjoyed their story. You may as well.

They essentially sold everything, including their home in CA, bought an RV, and travelled the entire U.S. for the better part of a year (with their four young sons!) to pick a location to create a new homestead. They ended up not far from where I live, up in the Appalachian Mountains near Asheville, NC, which happens to be where Justin Rhodes and his family live as well.

SUCH a cool story. Couldn’t be happier for them. I’ve watched a few of their videos that cover all their work getting their new homestead “stood up.” Lotsa work.

If you ever find yourself wondering WHY I do the things I do on my little farm, I would encourage you to watch some of Justin’s and/or The Holler Homestead videos on YouTube. THAT is why. 😉

Shout Out! Gabriella Quevedo (Fingerstyle Guitarist)

Folks … if you haven’t discovered this 22 year old guitarist savant before, TODAY is your lucky day!

Check out her YT channel, pick a few of her videos, maybe a few songs you are familiar with, maybe a few you are not.

I don’t think she does it on purpose, but about halfway through each video, she looks up, into the camera, and smiles. Just a lovely, EXTREMELY talented soul.

For those that believe in reincarnation … she’s got to be v2.0 of some guitar rock star from a few generations ago.

I can seriously listen to her music, her covers of so many famous songs, all damn day.

You’re welcome, in advance. 😉