Dodged a Bullet … Chicken Poop-wise! ;)

Procrastination? Guilty!

For one reason or another, I waited WAY too long to muck out the chicken (coop) stalls. The longer I pushed it out, the easier it became to find other things to do. However, the weather is starting to warm up, so I figured NOW was better than a week from now.

Admittedly, I was pleasantly surprised. When I let the donkey stall go a week or more “too long”, the price to pay is HIGH. Donkey urine just gets funkier by the day. However, the excessive chicken manure wasn’t stinky at all. Rather, it seems to have basically composted in place!

So, I filled the dumper/trailer with chicken compost and shoveled it right into the two perimeter gardens that surround both rabbit domes. Not saying this is a good composting strategy … but in the colder months, you can get away with a little bit of coop mucking procrastination. Now, in the hot months … forget it. It would be a fly haven.

Once I got all the compost shoveled into the two rabbit dome gardens, I was just a matter of firing up the BCS tractor and tiller to plow all that chicken compost into the garden soil.

I’m chomping-at-the-bit to start planting stuff, but I know damn well the chickens will just destroy anything I seed … so I need to either:

  • fence in the gardens, or
  • fence in the chickens!

Smart money would be to build a bunch of chicken ‘tractors’ and end their free-ranging days.  Kill many birds with one stone (as it were).