FCL :: Day in the Life :: 26 Aug 2018 (Woodlot Thinning Tools/Techniques)

Spent some ‘quality time’ with my woodlot thinning tools today (e.g. hookaroon, chainsaw, choker, skid tongs, boom pole hoist) working to bring down and haul away a bunch of trees, so I took the opportunity to share some of those experiences via GoPro to … perhaps … give others some ideas re: wood lot thinning.

Ended up getting some sort of nasty allergic response to something I was exposed to, and since I was more or less offline all last week with a head to toe ‘contact dermatitis’ outbreak, I called it a day early and spent the rest of the afternoon in a Benadryl haze, watching Season 1 X-File episodes on Hulu.

I left the badonkadonks in the garden pasture overnight, so let’s see what sort of damage they did when the sun comes back up.


FCL :: Day in the Life :: 19-25 August, 2015

I haven’t posted a new FCL DITL video for a few days, so I thought I better catch folks up on our local shenanigans.

If all goes well, we should have some new ducklings swimming around in the pond soon.

Lost 2 or 3 chickens to a coyote in a three day period … so I’ve got some active countermeasures in place, e.g. 30-30 rifle. I don’t mind losing a bird to the coyotes once in awhile, but one a day is just unacceptable.

FCL :: Zodiac Refurb Project :: Kickoff

Our Zodiac Futura Mk IIIĀ  boat has seen better days. It has been ‘dry docked’ on a trailer next to our workshop for about 2 years, because its Shark Skin cover failed awhile back, causing all sorts of weather related damage.

Over the last three days, I’ve pulled the boat out, removed the motor, built a trolley-cart for the motor, and spent about 3 hours this AM trying to get the motor on the stand … in an upright position. Had to arm-wrestle the motor and fight against physics and gravity, and try all sorts of different techniques to get it done. Grueling work.

Finally got the motor on the stand and rolling around in the garage. Now I need to strip down the infrastructure inside the boat so I can troubleshoot the problems that need to be fixed.

Can’t wait to get the boat back into working order, because it is a ton-o-fun when operational.