FCL Daily: Worms, Compost, Rabbit Cages, Chicken Nest Boxes … and a Big Frog

L-o-n-g day.

Probably should have stopped after getting the 3 new rabbit cages finished and deployed into the  rabbitry. But NOOOOO, I had to go ahead and launch into the next project — new chicken nest boxes. Sort of messed up my upper back getting a 4′ x 8′ sheet of plywood up on the table saw … but pushed through it to just get-R-done!

For those perhaps interested, I’ve included my Chicken Nest Cut Plan graphic below.  You basically take a 4’x8′ piece of plywood (1/2″ or 3/4″) and crosscut two 16.5″ sections, two 13.5″ sections, and a 12″ section.  Then cut each section down according to the second dimension shown in the plan.

Tomorrow I have a bunch of errands to run, so looking forward to a “down day’ from the farm projects.

Also, I get my DJI Mavic Pro drone back from depot maintenance (military term). Cost about $400 to have the camera gimbal replaced, which broke when the drone came crashing about 80′ to the ground when I cut down the tree it was stuck up in.

Had a HUGE bowl of my ever-popular spicy tuna pasta for dinner, and still lost two pounds, so … yeah … a very long (but active and successful) day.  😉

Chicken Nest Cut Plan