FCL :: Day in the Life :: Jul 11, 2018 (Hawk Attack #2)

Welp … that hawk that killed one of my juvenile chickens the other day struck yet again.

BUT, this time the juvi chicken miraculously survived the attack.

There’s some back story to the whole ‘weird day’ assertion I make in this video, but I don’t want to get into it here.

Suffice to say this: I was PISSED and scanning the area through the scope on my shotgun, waiting for the hawk to return, but simultaneously running through an internal dialog … debate actually … regarding whether or not I really wanted to shoot the hawk.

Truth be told … I really didn’t want to, but there in the pasture grass lay another one of my baby chickens, who I consider part of my family.

So, the ‘shoot the hawk’ side of my internal debate was evoking the lex talionis concept (eye for an eye) as justification to shoot the hawk, when all of a sudden the chicken ‘victim’ jumped up … still alive … as if to say, YOU DON”T HAVE TO SHOOT THE HAWK!!!

Weird. And, about the 5th of 7 such weird incidents in one day.

I’m happy to report she is seemingly doing very well in the indoor hospital cage. She ate a lot, pooped a lot, and seemed to enjoy the attention.

She does, however, seem to have a nasty case of PTSD, because any time I put my hand above her head (i.e. like an attacking hawk) she panics.

As a matter of fact, as I write this she’s chirping away behind me, so I think I’m going to return her to her siblings for the night and see how she’s doing in the morning.

In this particular case: Chicken 1, Hawk 0.

FCL :: Day in the Life :: July 6..9, 2018

Just survived a 4-day ISP outage … whew!

I don’t like being so damn dependent on the ‘Net but … alas … I am.  Not so much because of videos that I post here and elsewhere, but more so for the rich sources of information and knowledge available at our fingertips … when our stupid service provider provides connectivity!!!

In any event, here’s a video that covers our activities during the multi-day outage.

Hey CenturyLink … BITE ME!

Juvenile, yes, but it makes me feel better.  😉