FCL :: Day in the Life :: Thu May 30, 2019 (Last Few Days …)

Howdy peeps … haven’t posted a video for a few days because my iOS (phone) to OSX (desktop) interface got screwy and I couldn’t move photos and videos from my phone to my workstation. Fixed!

No major new projects this week. Enjoyed a nice, long, quiet Memorial Day weekend … as everyone should. 😉

Kicked off a new sourdough starter so I can start making sourdough breads in the next week or so.

Picked up a new 12.6 inch My Grace Cooking (MGC) non-stick, aluminum wok and cranked out a nice hot & sour chicken dish first time out. VERY nice wok. Excellent chicken recipe.

The hot (and humid, and tick, and mosquito, and …) season is upon us, so I have a few more outdoor projects to wind up, then we’ll probably transition to a few indoor (read: COOLER) projects for the next few months. Stay tuned.