FCL :: Day in the Life :: Thu, March 04, 2021 (Predator Update)

As promised yesterday, here is the late-breaking update from yesterday regarding the project to identify the predator that has killed 4 of my free-ranging rabbits in the last week.

While I don’t (yet) have footage of the predator actually killing or eating one of the rabbits, given the size (big, fat) and species (eagle?) observed, I’d say the chances are pretty damn good we have our prime suspect.

Doesn’t look like a hawk to me.

Rumored to be a juvenile eagle. Dunno.

FCL :: Day in the Life :: Wed, Mar 03, 2021

Xavion is still just an overly aggressive young buckling, but whatcha gunna do. I need to get him more isolated from the girls, but he can’t be weaned from Carmela for another 2 to 4 weeks. Sorry girls.

Lost another rabbit this morning to the mystery predator. Got the solar-powered trail (game, hunting) camera setup.

SPOILER ALERT: After I assembled this video for the day, I think we found the predator. Update tomorrow. 😉

Put Deuce in the pasture to work him a bit with all the animals. He did well.

FCL :: Day in the Life :: Sat, Feb 27, 2021

Okay, first things first, baby goat names:

Carmela’s (brown) kid: Xavioin (Zay-vee-on) … means fighter / warrior / strength.

Adriana’s (black) kid: Kuro … means ‘black’ in Japanese (suggested by my co-worker’s (Ece) daughter (Mira). Thanks ladies!

Poor little Kuro persevered through his first CDT booster shot AND disbudding. Tough little dude. Did better than Xavion. Maybe I should swap their names! J/K.

Found two rabbit carcasses in the 4-species pasture, lost to some sort of mysterious predator. Will be deploying a solar-powered trail cam in the next day or two to ‘troubleshoot’ the predation problem.

Overall … all is well. No complaints, except for the $%^& cold and wet weather. 😉