FCL :: Day in the Life :: Thurs, 6/3/2021

Made an early AM trip to pickup 19 PALCON storage containers I recently procured through a GovPlanet auction. Another big-ass thunderstorm (to drive through, AGAIN!). All’s well that ends well. What are the storage containers for? Dunno … maybe an isometric, pyramidal goat fort?

FCL :: Special Update :: New M1084A1

Took me two months to procure (thanks Becky!), but finally took possession of our new farm implement …. a 2004 Stewart & Stevenson M1084A1 cargo handing truck. Things a beast. Had to meet the delivery driver 5 miles out and drive it home in the rain. Spent a little time today figuring out how to articulate the HIAB 133 ADT-2 crane. Yowza.

FCL :: Day in the Life :: Tue, May 4, 2021

Gave Deuce and Zen a new rope-bone tug-o-war toy. Got the the solid purlin installed on the caterpillar tunnel … between thunderstorm downpours. Ran across that same $%^& black snake (or his twin brother) again. Rooster chivalry on display!

Just your average Tuesday … 😉