FCL :: Day in the Life :: Sat, Feb 27, 2021

Okay, first things first, baby goat names:

Carmela’s (brown) kid: Xavioin (Zay-vee-on) … means fighter / warrior / strength.

Adriana’s (black) kid: Kuro … means ‘black’ in Japanese (suggested by my co-worker’s (Ece) daughter (Mira). Thanks ladies!

Poor little Kuro persevered through his first CDT booster shot AND disbudding. Tough little dude. Did better than Xavion. Maybe I should swap their names! J/K.

Found two rabbit carcasses in the 4-species pasture, lost to some sort of mysterious predator. Will be deploying a solar-powered trail cam in the next day or two to ‘troubleshoot’ the predation problem.

Overall … all is well. No complaints, except for the $%^& cold and wet weather. 😉