Shout Out! Lucky Clays Fresh

I mentioned in a recent video that one of my next large-scale projects will be standing up a moderately sized aquaponic gardening system.

Last year, I got licensed in the State of North Carolina as a Tilapia fish farm. I just haven’t “pulled the trigger” yet, as I’ve been busy with other systems.

Soon, like next month, I plan to erect the first of a few 100′ x 14′ caterpillar tunnels to serve as the greenhouse for my initial venture into aquaponics.

Today, I started researching local (NC) aquaponics resources, and stumbled upon the Lucky Clays Fresh (LCF) farm here in the Piedmont area. If you are unfamiliar with, but maybe a little interested in, what aquaponics is all about, this video (above) provides a great introduction. My aquaponics system may approach 25% of their size (scale), but you’ll get the gist.

I plan on raising Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus), augmented by largemouth bass, catfish and perhaps freshwater shrimp. Red worms are a given.

Anyway, I thought I would give a quick shout out to LCF as a seemingly premier aquaponic gardening resource here in the Piedmont area of NC.