FCL :: Day in the Life :: 28 Jul – 04 Aug 2019 (Soil Blocks, K9 Play Date, Kamikaze Dragonflies)

Another HOT week with limited outside project work. Can’t WAIT for September!

Created 640 soil blocks and planted some broccoli, cauliflower, beets, kale, cabbage and okra … all to be transplanted into garden rows by the end of the month.

Moved bucket-based cucumbers and basil into raised bed frames, and added a set of new cattle panel trellis’ to support cucumbers, beans, peas and other viney plants.

I know … I know … too much footage of Deuce and his damn tractor tire. I think I need to dig a big ass hole with the front loader and just bury the damn thing about 3 feet below grade. The tire, not Deuce!

Picked up a new Glock 19X and TLR-1 LR for evaluation. More to come (review wise) in the future.

My neighbors adopted a 10 year old male GSD/Labrador mix about a week ago, so we scheduled a doggie play date to introduce Miko to Deuce and Hunter. They got along GREAT. Miko and Deuce pretty much ignored each other, which was a pleasant surprise. Never know WHAT Sir Shitzalot (Deuce) will do around others. In this case, he was more interested in playing with the kids.

Just for grins, I do a little frame-by-frame analysis of two dragonflies that dive bombed Deuce while he was in the duck pond. At full speed, you can barely see the dragonflies buzz through. But, in slow motion, you can see how amazingly agile those damn things are. If you watch the second dragonfly that comes in from the lower-left, it executes a “turn on a dime” maneuver that … as a pilot … just freaks me out. I can’t imagine how many G’s that thing pulled in that maneuver. Try doing that in a Cessna 172 and it will shed its wings and become a lawn dart. I doubt even the F-22 Raptor can do that!