FCL :: Day in the Life :: 22-28 July 2019 (Glock 42, Deuce’s Birthday, Bucket Gardening Update)

Seems like we packed quite a bit into the last week.

The ducklings have integrated with the two remaining adults, and Bianca is doing a great job of mothering them. Warms my heart to see her leading them around. She tried SO hard to hatch her own eggs naturally, but predators and a hurricane got in the way. Now, she has 15 ‘babies’ to boss around. Statistically, half of them are her offspring.

Deuce succeeded in reaching his 1st birthday without Hooey ripping his face completely off, getting flattened under the tractor, or choking to death on any of the million objects he has chewed up and destroyed. I love the boy, but Lord he can drive me nuts.

Picked up a new Glock 42 (.380 Auto) and put it through its paces. VERY happy with it. I was going to get a Ruger LCP II (2), but I’m glad I went with the ‘baby Glock’ instead. Could not be happier. I plan to pick up and evaluate a Glock 19X next. Stay tuned.

Got the second bucket gardening pallet built. Will be planting the following today: arugula, snap beans, beets, broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, kale, bush peas. Need to find some heirloom okra seeds. Nevermind … just found them on Amazon, be here in 2 days.

Just threw DJ (our ‘chuck’ … duck that thinks he’s a chicken) into the duck pond with his biological species mates, and he ran out of there (literally!) like I threw him in a hole filled with Pit Vipers. I think he’s afraid of Bianca, and freaked out by all the ducklings. Then again, I see him chasing hens (best he can, they are way faster and more agile) every evening. He just thinks he’s a damn chicken. Freak-o-Nature … that one.

According to historical data, the hottest day of the year is about 10 days away, then temps will start slowly dropping through mid-September. YAY!!!