FCL :: Day in the Life :: 23-30 Jun 2019 (HOT!, Pallet o’ Bucket-Gardening)

Long, hot week. I took the week off from work, and planned on getting a bunch of outdoor projects done. Yeah, right. End of June? I think NOT!

Anybody with dental implants knows how expensive they are. I had one (only about a year old) break and fall out, the my dentist was kind enough to fix and reinstall the tooth ‘under warranty’ for $39 out of pocket. Things like that don’t happen enough in life! I don’t mean the tooth failure … I mean the cheap-fix.

Looks like I need a few more months still to get my garden plot adequately soil conditioned … waiting on soil test results … so I decided to do some “bucket gardening.” In this heat, WHO wants to be lugging around a bunch of heavy 5-gallon buckets? So, I conceptualized and prototyped a custom pallet designed to carry 9 5-gallon buckets, each in individual recesses, so they won’t slide off the pallet when moved from point A to point B.

So glad June is about over. 2.5 more months of sweating, then on to an oh-so-can’t-wait-for-it Fall and (ahhhhhh) Winter.