FCL :: Day in the Life :: Sun May 19, 2019 (New Workbench COMPLETED!)

In a word (yes, this is a ‘word’ in the South) … got-r-done!

Ended up doubling the 4″ x 4″ framing, so this damn thing is a BEAST.

I plan to do a little finish work (e.g. sanding) and have tentatively decided to add a set of dog holes (for bench dogs), and then a vice.

I think I might have to build a 18″ tall ‘step’ to move around the table for those cases where I need to be able to reach all the way across. Yeah, it’s THAT tall.

Funny how a whimsical thought (“hmm, I bet I can design a work bench to sit over and around a fully loaded pallet …”) can turn into a 2-day project.

That said, this bench will still be around when I’m gone. Someone will use it. 😉