FCL :: Day in the Life :: Fri May 17, 2019 (Donkey Escape & Capture)

Lesse … shot my workshop with a 12 gauge shotgun (accident, oops).

Luna the d.Bag donkey opportunistically broke out of her pasture when I bumped the fence with the front of the tractor and knocked one of the horizontal cross-members off. Put the ‘sheps to work chasing her down and herding her into a pasture for capture.

After about 4 hours of livin la vida loca by herself in the “big” pasture, she was clearly ready to return to be with Soleil. I ran to the local store to buy donkey bait (carrots and peanuts) and lured her into custody with a few carrots. Probably the easiest capture and return to date. She normally fights me like a ISIS noob and ends up choking herself out. Not this time! Easy Breezy.

I think I need to buy Deuce a hockey helmet, cuz he’s too damn dumb around the donkeys, and as much shit as I talk on camera … I’d actually HATE to see him get his front teeth knocked out, or his cranium vacated. Luna has it in her to kill with those kicks of hers.

Oh, yeah. And my rooster thinks he’s hen apparently. In this day of “gender fluidity” … no surprise I guess.