FCL :: Day in the Life :: Tuesday 04/30/2019 :: Clover Mulch Spreading

Spent some time today finishing the sweeping up of all the crimson clover mulch from the “clover patch” (aka: park) in the neighboring field, and transporting it to the “donkey pasture” that I’m in the process of renovating.

A lot of trial and error involved in figuring out how to spread the mulch evenly around the pasture, before eventually tilling it in.

My biggest lesson learned was I should have let the freshly cut mulch sit idle in the sun for a few days to shed up to 50% of its inherent “green” moisture, which makes it much easier to sweep up and spread.  Had a HELLUVA time trying to spread huge, wet piles of mulch … and eventually cried “UNCLE” and just gave up.  I’ll till everything in today or tomorrow.

Feels good to have at least finished harvesting the winter cover crop of clover.  I figure about 80% (by volume) of the above ground clover (which was between 2 and 3 feet tall!) was mulched and moved to the donkey pasture.

The remaining 20%, and all underground structure (e.g. roots) will be tilled under in the “park” lot.  So, one cover crop will benefit two pastures, or roughly 2.5 acres.