FCL :: Day in the Life :: Crimson Cover Patch Mulching

Hello … world?  😉

I haven’t posted a FCL DITL video in some months.  Not sure why … just didn’t.

For awhile now, I’ve had the itch to start blogging again.

Here’s my first foray back into video composition and publication.  It’s a bit clunky, because my post-processing “saw” got a little rusty over the last few months of non-use.

In any event, I spent the weekend mulching about an acre and a half of crimson clover with a pair of Husqvarna mowers, a 54″ zero-turn for the first pass down to 3.5 inches, then a regular 54″ ride-on mower to take it down to 2″.

We’re now in the process of sweeping up all the mulch to move most of it into the large donkey pasture that I’m renovating, which desperately needs the  additional nutrients and nitrogen from the clover “green manure.”

It’s a lot of work, but thankfully the mowers and tractor do most of the heavy lifting … I’m just along for the ride.

Deuce and Hooey did their part too … keeping the bees off me and fending off any snakes (zero observed).  I was actually amazed that I didn’t get stung by a bee (or three).  When I started mowing, there were 1000’s of bees out there.  The smaller the patch got, the higher the bee density.  Spooky near the end.

And there you have it!