This video made my day (well, morning … it’s only 8AM)

Needless to say, I haven’t posted anything to FCL in almost 3 months.  Not entirely sure why.  The pup (Deuce) keeps me busy, holiday season, nasty weather events, blah … blah … blah.

I stumbled into this video during my morning media scan, and found myself smiling from ear to ear by the end.  I love seeing people turn their passion (no matter WHAT it is) into fun activities with like-minded friends and coworkers.

This is a pretty cool story.  High school kid designs an A-10 RC model with an 8-foot wing span.  Then, these guys build the damn thing in 10 hours and conclude with a successful first flight.

I was particularly impressed with the chase pilot’s airwork with the drone, basically flying circles around the A-10 in three dimensions.  That’s not inherently easy to do.


P.S.  And Happy New Year!