Quote from Escape Clause (A Virgil Flowers Novel Book 9)

I got addicted to John Sandford books 2 or 3 years ago.  I’ve read all 28 books in the Prey series (i.e. Lucas Davenport), and am currently reading book 9 in the spinoff Virgil Flowers series.

I’m on my 4th Sandford book in the last 10 days.  They are THAT addicting … I’m telling you.

Anyway, I just read the following quote from first paragraph of Chapter 4 in Escape Clause, and laughed my ass off:

Virgil made a hurried trip from Frankie’s farm back to Mankato, where he lived.  He left Honus at the farm, and as he left, the dog stood in the driveway and barked once.  The bark was a familiar one and translated as ‘asshole!’

My kind of humor.  😉