FCL :: Day in the Life :: Saturday, October 6, 2018

Haven’t been able to find the energy to create a FCL DITL video in about a week. Hmmm, I wonder why? Can you say … DEUCE!

I’ve probably shot about 200 videos of him in the last week, but by the end of the day — each and every day — I’m just too tired to even fire up the ol’ Premiere Pro app to process the video footage.

He gets me up every two hours (on average) every night to go outside and make peepeepoopoo (as we call it).

I just can’t say enough about how funny, cute and smart this little guy is. All puppies are cute (in their own way), but this guy is indeed special. Doctor Destructo sometimes, but special nonetheless.

As you can see in this video, we got the ‘park’ pretty much ready to seed with a winter cover crop of red clover, crimson clover and Austrian winter peas (for the deer).

We put a LOT of work into this ‘park’ project over the last few months, plowing, tilling, grading and cleaning. Today, we lime and seed it. Yay!