FCL :: Day in the Life :: Monday 09/17/18 (Florence Update, Surface Water Runoff)

Hooey and I walked the property line this morning after getting the animals up and out for the day, to survey the current surface water runoff situation.

Most of my drainage systems are working as designed, moving water over and off the property into feeder creeks that flow into the Eno River, then into the Neuse River. (Note: In the last few videos, I mistakenly said our creek flows into the Haw river. Not so.)

I did, however, discover that a LOT of ground water is flowing out of the big-ass cow pasture to our West, across my woodlot, into our duck pond, then on down the line. However, the flow isn’t efficient, and a large body of water is ‘standing’ in the woodlot, creating an unintentional pond out there. I’ll need to intervene once all this water sheds, so the unintentional pond is more intentional in the future. 😉