Another Rabbit Lost to Snake

Okay, this is getting kind of old … losing baby rabbits to snakes.

Earlier in the day, I found a different — medium sized — black snake in one of the chicken coops in the garden pasture. Did I kill it? No! I caught it and released it closer to the house. Why? To eat mice that are always trying to sneak into the house.

Did I kill THIS rabbit-eating snake? No — but I sure as hell thought about it. Instead, I moved it into the vacant geo-dome #2 so it could eat the rabbit in peace.

OBVIOUSLY — it pains me a great deal to lose a baby rabbit to a snake, but that’s one of many prices of admission to — say it with meFINE COUNTRY LIVING!

Without getting too graphic or gross here, about an hour after I put the snake in Dome-2, I poked my head in to see what it was doing. I found the snake completely coiled around the bunny. My guess is, the snake uses its constrictive power to … soften (think about it, or don’t!) … the rabbit so it can more easily get the whole rabbit into it’s gut.

Next morning … no snake, no rabbit. Hopefully it won’t be hungry for a few weeks. I can’t (and don’t wanna) imagine how it poops that thing back out. But, that might be something to see.