FCL :: Day in the Life :: 23-24 Jul, 2018

For anybody interested in the RSOE website I feature at the beginning of this video, see RSOE EDIS.

I observed the drake (male duck) mating with one of the black ducks (female) … which bodes well for some baby ducklings perhaps later in the season. I haven’t researched duck procreation details yet (e.g. nesting habits, gestation cycles, etc.), so I better get off my butt and do so.

Drives me absolutely NUTS that $%^&* ticks figure out a way to climb into my rabbit cages and parasitically prey upon my bunnies. If I could wave a magic wand and make three species immediately go extinct … ticks would be on my list.

More deer. More rain. No specific correlation, except maybe the Muscatine grapes they plunder from Hooey’s horde. 😉