FCL :: Patching Up Hooey

Hunter (aka Hooey) has had a big ‘mass’ on her right rear ankle for a few years now. Our vet said it wasn’t cancer, or anything else that kind of serious, and suggested we just keep an eye on it over time for changes.

This morning, I noticed it was much larger, kind of shiny looking, and probably ripe to pop.

Sure enough, a few hours later, she was outside haranguing the UPS driver for setting the driveway motion detector off and forcing us to exit our nice, air-conditioned house to sign for a ‘stupid package’ (her words), when I noticed her ‘mass’ had obviously popped.

So, I coaxed her off the poor UPS driver and into the spare bedroom / animal hospital for a little patch work on her boo-boo.

Can you say … Drama Queen? Said it before, will likely say it again a million times, starting now … that dog has the most expressive eyes, ears and overall facial expressions. Cracks me up (most of the time), and some times breaks my heart.

Good patient. Great dog. 😉