Manchurian Candidate (1962)

I’m not a fan of old, ‘classic’ films.  Tried to watch Citizen Kane a few years ago … couldn’t.  Gone with the Wind?  Forget it.  No can do.  About the best I’ve been able to sit through is the first Star Wars movie.  🙂

For reason(s) I can’t explain … mid-day today, I got it in my head that I was going to watch the Manchurian Candidate movie.  Can’t explain why … just did.

First hurdle … which one?  The 1962 original (Frank Sinatra, Laurence Harvey, Janet Leigh, Angela Lansbury, …) or the 2004 remake (Denzel Washington, Liev Schrieber, Meryl Streep, …).  Since the original is higher rated on IMDB, and I don’t care for DW’s politics, the decision was surprising, but easy.  Sinatra it is!

Once I got over my initial knee-jerk reaction to the cheesy acting and antiquated camera work … I actually enjoyed the move.  Sinatra was a better actor than I thought prior.  Lansbury was quite good too.  Janet Leigh was just a damn hottie.  😉  Just kidding … she acted very well too.

I’m sure a cinematographic historian will have an answer tip of tongue … but why were all the Asian characters played by seemingly non-Asian actors?  Just weird.

Lastly, early in the movie I developed something of an epiphany.  It involved the Queen of Diamonds aspect of the movie plot.  That’s all I’m prepared to say right now.  Kinda freaked me out.  Need to do some research before I open my big mouth.  Synchronicity, anyone?