FCL :: Day in the Life :: June 17, 2018

There’s a bit of backstory to the first clip. I called my Dad to wish him a happy Father’s Day, during which he mentioned the “Let It Ride” movie that is centered on horse racing (comedy). We both love that movie, and said we were going to watch it for Father’s Day. So, in the first clip, I’m watching Let It Ride … while Hooey snoozes on the couch (not her brand of humor, I guess). I still LMAO at some of the classic scenes from the movie (e.g. “Nobody move! I have peripheral vision … it’s a gift … I can see me ears …”)

Broody hens …

Garden tilling in the dark (after it cools down) …

Cute baby chickens roosting …

Boom. Another day in the can! 😉