FCL Daily Video Journal — June 4, 2018 (Rabbit Kit Surprise!)

Today was a day of atonement, for a series of assumptions and misjudgments that Mother Nature called me out on.

I was up late the night before and slept in a bit. Seems like most SNAFU days start out that way. 😉

Checked in on the newbie chicks, out in the garden pasture coop, then went to the barn pasture to feed and water the rabbits, only to discover a set of newborn kits in one of the cages!

This particular cage has two rabbit does in it, that were recently migrated from geodesic rabbit dome #1.  Over the last few days, I noticed a little bit of fur beneath the cage, and traces of fur inside the cage … but ASSUMED it was from the two girls scuffling a bit, as rabbits will sometimes do.   I further ASSUMED neither of the them were pregnant, as both are rather young and not showing any telltale signs.

That’s what I get for assuming.

So, I ran to the local DIY center (Lowes) and plunked down another $500 for lumber, metal fabric and hardware, and set upon building 3 more rabbit cages, 10 new nesting boxes, and a new 4-cage rabbit nursery that I plan to install in one of the barn stalls.

Hopefully that will reset my karma balance at the Bank of Mother Nature, for having goofed and caused 8 baby bunnies to be born on a cold, metal floor. Broke my heart to find them in that condition.  Helluva way to start life. — AND a helluva way to start one’s day — before my first cup of $%^& coffee was on board.

I got the 10 new nests constructed, and transferred the new kits into one of them and returned to their mother (whichever of the two does it is … still don’t know).

Since I started the video with the morning check on the baby chicks, I ended it with the evening check, finding them all tucked up under mamma.

Long … but productive and successful day.

Onward. Upward. Eyes open. No fear.