Hooey the Raptor

Hunter was in rare form last night, barking at something. I can generally tell by her bark and behavior whether she’s barking at a deer, coyote, skunk or ‘unknown.’ Last night was an ‘unknown,’ as her bark was less excited, but more scared, and she came upstairs and barked in my ear (at 2AM!).

She has ‘that look’ on her face this morning … like ‘sorry about that barking thing last night … we good?

And, check out those talons on her! I probably cut her nails about once a year. Why? Because more so than ANY dog I’ve ever seen, she grooms herself and actually gives herself a mani-pedi pretty much every night. I watch her work on individual nails, trimming and shaping them. No joke.

As you can see, she’s pretty damn good at it.

You DO NOT want to be on the receiving end of those talons. Especially if you’re a skunk. Just brutal. 😉