Please let this day end soon …

First, I had the whole chicken nest relocation SNAFU with a side order of snake in my face this morning.

Then, I had a polite, but terse conversation with a Verizon Wireless CSR after driving about 15 miles to the nearest store to pay a bill for a service I haven’t used in probably 3 years.

Me: I’d like to pay my bill please.

Her: Do you have your account number?

Me: Sure, it’s [9 digit number on the email they sent me].

Her: That’s just the last 9 digits, I need the whole acct number.

Me: I haven’t memorized the account number of one of probably 5 wireless service accounts I have, and which I haven’t used in years. Can you look up my account with my name?

Her: So, sorry, you’ll have to use the web site.

Me: I tried, it didn’t work, that’s why I drove 15 miles to see you.

Her: Yeah … sorry.

I think you get the picture. They want their money, but neither their website nor their human CSR are able to take payment. Uuugghhh.

So, that’s the backstory to this video. After leaving the Verizon store, I jumped on the highway to run another errand (buy some ammo, but NOT because of the Verizon episode).

As you can see, I come upon a guy driving slower than the posted speed limit in the fast lane, who shows NO interest in yielding to me or all the other faster moving traffic approaching from behind us. I give the guy some time to get his head out of his rectum, then opt to just swing over to lane 3 (slow lane) to pass the two numb-nuts in lanes 1 and 2.

As it turns out, the grey Chevy in lane 2 was some sort of LEO, because he turned on his blue lights as soon as I pulled back in front of him in lane 2.

Eventually, he just passed me and gave me some stink eye as he did so. I smiled, waved, and lipped ‘thank you’ [prick].

Could have ended worse, but still, this has just been a day to be put behind me and forgotten. I wish they made a [safe] pill for that.