Waking Hunter …

Hooey and I had a long weekend, so we inadvertently slept in a bit today. She will usually wake me up if I stay in bed past about 6A, but not this morning.

The fact that she was still curled up on the La-Z-Boy when I got up suggests she, too, felt the need to just sleep in a bit.

Shortly after this video, we went out to release the chicken flock from their (3) coops. When I opened the garden pasture coop, one of the black hens literally hit me in the chest, having dived off the roost as soon as the door opened. She hit the ground running and made a bee-line for the barn, where I found her standing in front of the coop door within which her preferred nesting box is. She was doing her version of the ‘pee pee dance’ and I swear there must have been an egg poking halfway out of her backside. I opened the coop door and she bounded right into the nest box.

That’s what happens when you sleep in. 😉