Third Snake in Two Days!

Yip … another damn snake. This one was sneaking up on Hooey while she was watching me pull another trapped rabbit out of dome 1.  From this video, you can see why I usually run Hunter into the house whenever a snake is involved. My biggest fear is she crosses paths with one of the big-ass copperheads we have around here. She would (as evidenced here) stick her big ol’ nose right in the snakes face and undoubtedly get bit, poisoned and rushed off to the vet hospital … if she’s lucky. My vet told me last year they experienced a noticeable increase in copperhead bites on dogs.

I guess I should be a bit more worried about the new baby chicks out in the compost pile nest, because they are about 1/5th the size of the baby rabbit that snake ate yesterday.

Never a dull moment around here … I tell ya. 😉