PSA: High UV Risks


For those that may not know, Earth’s magnetosphere and ionosphere are currently at the end of an 11,000 year cycle, characterized as being in a weakened state as our magnetic poles prepare to ‘flip’ … north to south, south to north.

Those two layers protect us from the ultraviolet (UV) radiation emitted by our sun. UV generally comes in three forms UV-A, UV-B and UV-C. A and B are usually filtered by our magnetosphere/ionosphere, but some of that radiation makes it through the filter and strikes the surface. UV-C (the more dangerous to humans of the three) is usually completely blocked, not reaching the surface.

However, a number of researchers have recently noted that UV-C is reaching the surface now, because of our weakened ‘protective blanket’ up in the thermosphere. For example, I would encourage you to review the daily posts by YouTuber MrMBB333, who has a network of folks that take daily UV measurements (A/B and C) from around the U.S., Canada, and abroad. They have recorded a rising trend in UV-C and have been ‘alarming’ about it for months now.

The point of this video is I’ve noticed my badonkadonks ‘hiding’ from the sun lately, either under trees, or more recently by ducking into their covered geodesic dome shelter.

It would appear they know the sun’s energy isn’t good for them, not because of the heat (which they don’t usually mind), but for ‘other’ reasons.