New Project: Rabbit Migration (Domes to Cages)

Long story short … the geodesic dome rabbit colony concept isn’t working out. I’ve lost WAY too many rabbits (mostly recently weened kits) to what I’m pretty sure is mucosal enteritis (ME).  Don’t get me started about how fickle of a species they are.

As much as I wanted to raise rabbits in a natural habitat, they just don’t seem to do well in the two geo-domes.  So, I’m going to migrate the rabbits into cages … which just SUCKS … but at least that way I’m pretty sure their survival rate will dramatically increase.

So, for the last two and a half days, I’ve been building the first 3 of probably 12 cages. I found a design online that I really like, which you can see in this video.

I hope to have the adult (breeder) rabbits out of the domes and into the cages by this weekend. I may pull the juvenile rabbits out of the domes and into a temporary communal cage of some sort while I build out the remaining individual cages.

My plan is to convert the two geodesic domes into aquaponic gardens (tilapia fish + vegetables). Uugghh … more work!