Hooey Food Shopping at TSC

Had to run some errands this morning and took Hooey along for the ride (which she always appreciates).

Decided to take her into the local Tractor Supply store with me to pick up a bunch of rabbit, chicken and dog food.

I tried to get her to pick her own food … but I think her brain got overloaded with all the options available. Sort of like me walking into a well stocked gun store. DOAH!

By default, we just went with her ‘usual’ (Taste of the Wild: Wetlands with Roasted Fowl).

She doesn’t get off property very much, and I like to get her around other people. A little old lady came up and asked if she could pet Hunter, and I said “ummm, sure, just move real slow and keep eye contact with her.” Hooey did well, but you should have seen the look on her face! I know the look … intensely defensive of yours truly. If someone was to assault me, she would rip them a new ass … no doubt in my mind. Kind of freaks me out sometimes, how alert she can be. Sweet dog, but VERY protective.