Product Endorsement :: Instant Pot

Was just about to make another batch of split pea soup, and decided at the last minute to take the opportunity to make it an unpaid, unsolicited product endorsement … as that the ONLY form of endorsement I have ever done, or will do. 😉

I use my 6 quart Instant Pot at least 6 times a week, usually to make soups, stews or brown rice.

Started using the IP about a year or two ago. I plan to buy a second (backup, spare) pot soon, because I’ve become so functionally dependent upon it … I can’t imagine not having one available. Might go through IP withdrawals, or some such.

There are literally thousands of IP-specific recipes on the Internet. “One Pot” meals seem to be popular.

Similar to a crock pot or other slow cooker, you can kick off a recipe in the AM, go to school, work (or whatever), and come back later and eat … as the pot can be programmed to keep the meal warm