Poor Hunter Needs a Hockey Helmet!

We went out to spend some quality time with the badonkadonks.

I noticed the chicken flock was following us around, so I decided to chuck a carrot stick to see who was willing to fight for it. Chickens went in first, then Luna chased them off, but when she turned her back, Hooey snuck in and stole the carrot.

You might think … YAY for Hooey! … but anybody that has spent any time around Luna, especially in the evening, knows that she’s in PUNK MODE then and looking for anything, ANYTHING to @#$%^& with.

In the second segment of the video, Luna runs up, lines up her crosshairs very carefully (watch her eyes shift from forward to backward, which is synonymous with a USAF A-10 ‘Warthog’ pilot switching to their 30mm cannon), and kicks Hooey right in the chops!

So, what does Hunter do? She chases Luna … which is EXACTLY what Luna wanted … because while being chased, she can throw kicks that Bruce Lee would envy.

Poor Hooey’s prey drive ‘buttons’ are well known to Looney Luna, and she plays Hunter like a damn fiddle.

Need to start a GoFundMe project to buy Hunter a hockey helmet before she looses all her teeth to Luna’s world-class upper cuts.