Product Endorsement: Canine Allergy Med (Apoquel)

As described in this video Hunter (aka Hooey) suffered for years with nasty yeast infections in her ears, and on her stomach (skin). Last year, a new medication called Apoquel came out on the market, and our Vet (Animal Hospital of Mebane) suggested we give it a try.

The results have been utterly amazing. No more infections. No more vet bills. Now, that said, the medication costs about $85 for a month’s supply, but in the long run, I think it’s cheaper … and her quality of life is SO much better.

Back when the vet suggested we try it, the option was to have her tested for allergies, and he said that whatever allergy she has the was causing all the fungal infections will ultimately be traced to something on the property (e.g. weeds, grass, pollen) that aren’t going away. So, the Apoquel essentially masks that allergy and keeps her infection free.

As stated in the video, her blood chemistry is monitored every few months to make sure the med isn’t causing any sort of organ damage. So far, so good!