Another Bitter-Sweet Rabbit Episode

I’m still working my butt off trying to figure out why I have so many sick juvenile rabbits in both geodesic domes (colonies). It’s either Cocci or Mucous Enteritis (ME). The mortality rate has been pretty high (about 75%), so I suspect ME.

After doing some research on ME, I put the two most recent symptomatic (severe abdominal bloating, diarrhea, severe pain exhibited by teeth grinding) rabbits into a hospital cage and provided them a special diet (dark green leafy veggies, carrots, apples) and Pedialyte with a little pineapple juice.

One of the two (I call her Houdini) escaped from the hospital cage 3 times. I found her outside the hospital cage, and outside the surrounding enclosure cage, just eating grass this AM.

Soooo, I released her into the wild. She is still sick, and now at risk of falling to any of the numerous predators around here, but through her behavior, she made clear to me her desire to not be in a cage. So be it. With my blessing, she’s now free to experience whatever life has in store for her.