A full day of wood processing …

I want/need to continue thinning the trees in our woodlot, but first I need to process the last load.

Here’s a video from this morning where I describe the permacultural aspects, goals, and steps involved in process each tree I cut down into bio mass fuel (wood chips), mulch, firewood and lump charcoal.

And, to be fair to my Caravaggi Bio 150 chipper/shredder that I was so pissed off at yesterday, when it comes to chipping trees and branches up to 4.5″ in diameter, it does indeed service that function very effectively.  No complaints about its chipping capabilities.

In less than an hour, I reduced about 25 to 30 trees/branches to a large trailer full of wood chips, which I’ll now dry and pack into 50 pound feed bags for long term storage.

Tomorrow I’ll shred the bramble pile.  Don’t be too surprise if I end up flaming the Caravaggi again tomorrow, because its shredding capabilities are nothing like its chipping capabilities, and the source of many frustrating historical episodes getting clogged or jammed up by seemingly small branches … and even cardboard boxes!

I’m thinking I’ll keep the chips and mulch separate, and use them for different things.  The mulch (shred) will likely go into the compost piles and/or garden beds.  We’ll see … TBD.   😉