Temporary Duck House

I’m highly motivated to get the 5 ducklings out of the barn and into their duck pond enclosure.  They are really messy and can really stink up the barn, so OUT they go!  😉

I plan to build a much more elaborate duck house once I get the big pond done later this year.  For now, I converted a dog crate into a temporary duck house by building a raised platform beneath, a cover for the top, thermal insulation on the top and two sides, and adding an access ladder to the duck can waddle their cute (but stinky) little butts directly from the pond to the house, and back.

Interestingly enough, I put the ducks in the house and locked it for about an hour.  Then I opened it so they could go play in the pond.  But, 2 or 3 hours later when I checked, they hadn’t left the house.  That’s odd.  I’m guessing by morning they’ll be ready to hit the beach.

Converted an old dog crate into a covered, thermally insulated duck house that should suffice through Fall.