First Rabbit Harvest

I harvested 9 bucks from the Dome 2 rabbit colony … 6 yesterday and 3 today.

Whew.  That’s a lot of work.

I’ve got the pelts pickling in a bucket, to be tanned in a few weeks.

The rabbits are going to spend a few days in a ice bath to age.

I saved and froze the heads as summer time dog treats.

I even retained the offal (kidneys, livers, hearts) for Hooey to eat.

Still need to bury the remaining innards to compost them, and sanitize the processing station, but that can wait until tomorrow.

I certainly know my way around the insides of a rabbit now.

My technique seemed to improve with each successive harvest.  Skinning is probably the biggest pain in the butt.   Eviscerating is pretty straight-forward.

Hopefully I’ll only have to repeat this task once per quarter.