Charcoal Retort Kiln Project Update …

So, I’m on my third batch of lump charcoal production today, learning how to fine tune the kiln with each batch.

The first batch didn’t reduce to coal as much as I hoped, so I had to re-process about half the wood by including it in the next batch.

Second batch burned much hotter and more uniformly, but still left about 25-30% of the wood unburnt.

For the third batch (photo’s below), I cut the wood down to shorter lengths and packed the burn barrel less tightly, leaving a bit more air space.  Will probably run this batch for about 3+ hours instead of 2.5 hours.

Loaded up the kiln for batch #3.
Starting to accumulate lump charcoal created in the charcoal kiln.
Partial output from one batch in the charcoal kiln.