Donkey Down!

We got about 2 inches of snow the other day … no big deal.

Midday yesterday, I looked outside and saw a big dark lump on top of Hooey’s trout pond.  Looked closer and saw that it was Soleil, so I thought maybe she fell through the ice.

Went out to investigate and found her not THROUGH the ice, but instead just splayed out on top.  I guess she walked out, hit the ice, and WHOOOP … down she went.  No idea how long she was there, but she was cold (shivering), wet and looked really scared.

I went and scared up a bag of sand and a bag of pea gravel and packed it all in around her legs.  Not sure why, but she bit me three times.  Not hard, but more like PLEASE HURRY.

I couldn’t get her to try to stand, so I had to deadlift her fat ass up off the ground and put her back legs down beneath her.  Then, I had to hoist her front end up and get her forelegs down.  THANKFULLY … she could stand and I didn’t see any evidence of a broken leg, which would have been a death sentence … just like a horse.

She was smart enough (I guess) to just stand there, until I spread my jacket out in front of her for more traction.  Got her to take a few steps forward, then she trotted up the pond berm slowly beat feet back to the barn stall.

Might sound nutty … but when I went and fetched a 5-gallon bucket of warm water and brought it to her in her stall, she had a look on her face that said THANK YOU.

Video:  Soleil DOWN

Video:  Soleil Back UP

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