Bluetooth Sleuth!!!

Product Endorsement: Bluetooth Finder App (BLE Finder)
Hello everyone. Just thought I would share this cool piece of technology.
Ever lose a bluetooth device of some sort (e.g. FitBit, Activity Monitor, Phone, Asset Tracker, …)?
I use SensorPush remote temperature and humidity sensors to monitor things on the ol’ homestead, for example the chicken brooder, greenhouse, etc.
The sensors and technology in general are very cool, but they cost about $50 each.
I recently misplaced a sensor somewhere in the barn. The SensorPush app on my iPhone registered that it could still sync with the sensor, and I was getting temp and humidity readings, but I had no idea where the sensor was. Drove me NUTS! Had to buy another sensor for the greenhouse as a result.
This morning, on a whim, I poked around on the Web to see if there were any technologies that might help me find a missing SensorPush sensor. Cut to the chase: couldn’t find a SensorPush-specific tool, but I did find a FREE app on the Apple App Store called Bluetooth Finder (or BLE Finder).
I just downloaded the app, walked out in the barn, and found the damn sensor buried in the dirt in the floor of the chicken brooder room. AWESOME!
It was actually sort of fun. The app ‘sees’ all bluetooth transmitters within the Bluetooth standard range (about 30 meters) and let’s you pick which one you want to ‘find.’ Then, it uses the tried and true cold … warmer … warm … getting hotter … hot … continuum we all know from childhood to walk you into the device’s location. When you get close enough, it transitions into a signal strength meter, which allows you to really zero into the device’s location.
Absolutely awesome piece of technology. Free. Fun. Just saved me $50.
Attaching pics of the BLE Finder app and the sensor I just found.

~14 Gallons of Rabbit Manure … Per DAY!

I generally de-poop the Dome 2 rabbitry every morning, and usually get about 14-15 gallons of new rabbit pellet manure per day.

Going to be literally SWIMMING in organic compost this (and every!) growing season, which ain’t a bad thing.

Best I can tell, there’s still only about 20 rabbits in the dome.  As soon as they hit their reproductive maturity (any time now) I expect a few new litters of kits, which means it’ll be time to start thinning the herd.

Rabbit stew, anyone?

You know you’re a farmer when …

I’ve noticed recently that I have to redo my fingerprints (security/access control) on my iPhone about every 2 or 3 days because my prints are apparently changing that often due to all the outside project work.

Shhhh … don’t tell any ‘criminal element’ types you might know that farming can obscure your biometric identity.  Gangsters and mafioso in the old days used to pay good money to alter their prints.  Hell, just shovel a bunch of manure, or lug a bunch of cinder blocks from here to there.  Save yourself a few bucks.  😉

New Weather Station

I installed a new Ambient Weather WS-2902 WiFi OSPREY solar powered wireless weather station out in the garden pasture yesterday.

The station has been integrated with a number of global weather networks to share my local weather reporting, including (Station ID: KNCEFLAN10) and (Station ID:  FCL-Garden-WS1) and (Station ID:  FCL-Garden-WS1).

Note that I have also added the current weather readings to the top of the panel to the right using the Weather Station 3 plugin’s Current Outdoor Conditions widget.  Pretty slick.

So, if you’re ever curious to see what our current weather conditions are, visit the FCL site, or click on one of the two links above.



Donkey Down!

We got about 2 inches of snow the other day … no big deal.

Midday yesterday, I looked outside and saw a big dark lump on top of Hooey’s trout pond.  Looked closer and saw that it was Soleil, so I thought maybe she fell through the ice.

Went out to investigate and found her not THROUGH the ice, but instead just splayed out on top.  I guess she walked out, hit the ice, and WHOOOP … down she went.  No idea how long she was there, but she was cold (shivering), wet and looked really scared.

I went and scared up a bag of sand and a bag of pea gravel and packed it all in around her legs.  Not sure why, but she bit me three times.  Not hard, but more like PLEASE HURRY.

I couldn’t get her to try to stand, so I had to deadlift her fat ass up off the ground and put her back legs down beneath her.  Then, I had to hoist her front end up and get her forelegs down.  THANKFULLY … she could stand and I didn’t see any evidence of a broken leg, which would have been a death sentence … just like a horse.

She was smart enough (I guess) to just stand there, until I spread my jacket out in front of her for more traction.  Got her to take a few steps forward, then she trotted up the pond berm slowly beat feet back to the barn stall.

Might sound nutty … but when I went and fetched a 5-gallon bucket of warm water and brought it to her in her stall, she had a look on her face that said THANK YOU.

Video:  Soleil DOWN

Video:  Soleil Back UP


Like the rest of the mid-Atlantic and NE, it’s been REALLY cold for the last week or so, down into the single digits temps at night.

Unfortunately, we had a water pipe freeze, which killed the well pump some 225 feet down in the well.  After two days of dipping into the emergency water supply, trucking water out to the animals a few times a day, and a $3000 plumber bill, we finally have well water back online.

A lot of people have actually died in the last week or so, directly or indirectly caused by this cold snap … so I’m not complaining.

I’ve complained FAR too much about the heat and humidity in the summer, so this cold wx is actually preferred.  😉