New FCL Blog Launch!

Hello all … whoever you are.

As an alternative to Facebook (hate it) and YouTube (too video centric), I’ve decided to launch my own personal blog, which you’re viewing here, called

With this blog, I’ll update those interested in the various projects we’ve got going here on ‘the farm.’  In addition to project updates, I plan to also share any other content I deem to be appropriate to the ‘channel.’  What does that mean?  Simple … anything I think relevant to … Fine Country Living.

I’m going to make EVERY attempt to avoid posting anything purely political, or overly inflammatory in nature.  But, I’m certainly liable to post thoughts, ideas, observations or concerns I might have — or develop — on any given day.

My overarching goal is allow interested people to ‘opt in’ to being kept up-to-speed with what we’re doing here in Efland, NC, and to share any wisdom we may accrue as we plod along our day-to-day learning curve as it relates to our farming, livestock and permaculture-related work.

More to follow, once I get the blog infrastructure built up a bit more, and fleshed out.  I have a lot of WordPress learning to do in order design this site to reflect my vision, personality and visual style.

Peace.  Out.  😉